
DJI Agriculture not only provides powerful equipment to agriculture professionals, but also offers smart solutions that save time and enhance workflow. As a result, it benefits from a wide range of customers, from farmers and growers to agricultural collaboration and service agencies.

FJD AT2 Auto Steer System

Grain Crops

DJI Agriculture, tarım sektöründe verimliliği artırmak amacıyla geliştirdiği Agras serisi dronlarla hassas ilaçlama ve gübreleme çözümleri sunmaktadır. Bu serideki modeller, farklı kapasite ve özellikleriyle çeşitli tarımsal ihtiyaçlara hitap eder.

FJD AT2 Auto Steer System

Dümenleme ve Tesviye Sistemleri

We also provide digital, informative, intelligent, and precise management solutions for commercial crops such as cotton, citrus trees, apple trees, and tea plants. As with grain crops, agoperators will find these options more convenient, inexpensive, and beneficial to crop quality and yield rate.

DJI Agras İlaçlama ve Gübreleme Dronları